Call for Appointment

Fax: (908) 448-2482

Office Address

1139 Raritan Road, Suite 104
Clark, NJ 07066

1308 Morris Ave, Suite 202
Union, NJ 07083

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Office Hours

Thursdays in Clark 1PM - 7PM
Fridays in Union 9AM-12PM


Of the many passions Juan Baez, M.D. has and pursues, one of them is infectious diseases.

Dr. Baez received his medical degree from Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario in Colombia. He worked in the Amazon for 2 years, where he developed his passion for infectious diseases.

Juan Baez MD
Juan Baez MD


Internal Medicine

Infectious Disease

Medical Training

Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario in Colombia

Internship & Residency

Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Cabrini Medical Center in New York


Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Cabrini Medical Center in New York